Contact DSHA’s Housing Development
Main Office
18 The Green
Dover, DE 19901
Available Supportive Programs
Special Populations Housing Fund
DSHA has set aside $1,500,000 (subject to availability) in funding for the following eligible activities:
- Emergency Homeless Shelter;
- Permanent Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities (i.e. mental illness, physical disabilities, persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities, persons with HIV/Aids, etc.);
- Re-Entry Housing;
- Substance Abuse Recovery Housing/Facilities;
- Youth Aging out of Foster Care; and
- Other DSHA approved activities (must receive DSHA approval prior to application).
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until funds are no longer available.
- HDF Loan Universal Design Score Sheet (only required for applications with 4 units or less)
- DSHA HDF Underwriting Criteria
- DSHA Design and Construction Standards
- DSHA Capital Needs Assessment (CNA)
- General Contractor Certification and Questionnaire
- DSHA HDF Market Study Requirements
- DSHA Approved Market Study Analyst List
- DSHA Management Agent Requirements
- DSHA Management and Marketing Checklist
- DSHA Management Agent Questionnaire
- AFHMP HUD Form 935-2a
- Balanced Housing Maps
- Draw Requisition and Cost Certification
Housing Development Fund – Statewide Emergency Repair Program (HDF-SERP)
DSHA is pleased to announce the release of a Notice of Funding Availability for experienced emergency repair 501(C)(3) nonprofits and/or Local jurisdictions responsible for CDBG Programs that included emergency repair programs. DSHA may select one or more agencies to manage the program for the State.
HDF funding is available for a Statewide Emergency Repair Program for repairs to low-income, owner-occupied housing units that address an emergency condition threatening the health or safety of an owner-occupied household’s occupants. An emergency is defined as an unexpected occurrence or combination of events calling for immediate action. All eligibility requirements for Applicants and homeowners are defined in the SERP Guidelines below.
Funds for the program ($1,500,000) will be disbursed through a competitive process. Funds will be awarded by county up to a max of $500,000 per county.
Please refer to the NOFA Guidelines listed below for instructions on how to apply, date and time deadlines, and application process and eligibility requirements.
Housing Trust Fund Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
This funding source is more restrictive than the HDF Special Populations Housing Fund as it requires target populations that meet DSHA’s definition of permanent supportive housing and can only be used for units restricted to 30% AMI or below. The lending limits for this program are capped at the lesser of the Section 234 Limits, the program set aside (and subject to application volume), or the amount deemed necessary for project feasibility. Unfortunately, the 2021 application round is closed and it is unknown when we will open the 2023 round at this time. In the meantime, the 2021 NOFA is a good primer for this funding source.
Funds for the Program will be disbursed through a competitive process.
DSHA will distribute NHTF funds through the request for proposal (RFP) process in place for the State’s Housing Development Fund and Low Income Housing Tax Credit programs. For 2021, the NHTF allocation will be available as follows:
- $1,000,000 (a minimum of 20%) will be reserved for permanent supportive housing projects for:
- Chronically homeless with mental health disabilities or substance abuse;
- Chronically homeless; or
- Persons with disabilities, particularly persons with disabilities at high risk of homelessness or institutionalization
- Funding will be awarded through a request for proposal (RFP) process (see below)
- $1,700,000 will be used to fund affordable rental, multi-family projects in coordination with the HDF and LIHTC programs. HDF and NHTF may be awarded to permanent housing for special populations.
- Funds may be used for development hard costs, acquisition costs, related soft costs, relocation costs; and
- Up to one-third of the annual grant amount, $990,000 may be used for operating cost assistance and operating cost assistance reserves.
- Application for NHTF for multi-family developments shall be made through the application and approval process already in place for the HDF and/or LIHTC programs. DSHA will charge a $1,250 application fee for NHTF funds.
Please download and review the documents below to learn more about the NOFA for a NHTF Permanent Supportive Housing, get forms, and to determine if you qualify.
- NOFA – NHTF Permanent Supportive Housing Guidelines (PDF Document) Updated
- NHTF PSH Application – Part I (Fillable Word Document)
- NHTF PSH Application – Part II PSH Cash Flow Pro Forma
- NHTF PSH Exhibit Checklist – Part III (PDF Document)
- NHTF Underwriting Criteria (PDF Document)
- NHTF Design and Construction Standards (PDF)
- NOFA – NHTF Permanent Supportive Housing Guidelines (PDF Document)
- NHTF PSH Application – Part I (Fillable Word Document)
- NHTF PSH Application – Part II PSH Cash Flow Pro Forma(Excel Format)
- NHTF PSH Exhibit Checklist – Part III (PDF Document)
- NHTF Underwriting Criteria (PDF Document)
- NOFA – NHTF Permanent Supportive Housing Guidelines (PDF Document)
- NHTF PSH Application – Part I (Fillable Word Document)
- NHTF PSH Application – Part II PSH Cash Flow Pro Forma(Excel Format)
- NHTF PSH Exhibit Checklist – Part III (PDF Document)
- NHTF Underwriting Criteria (PDF Document)
- NOFA – NHTF Permanent Supportive Housing Guidelines (PDF Document)
- NHTF PSH Application – Part I (Fillable Word Document)
- NHTF PSH Application – Part II PSH Cash Flow Pro Forma
- NHTF PSH Exhibit Checklist – Part III (PDF Document)
- NHTF Underwriting Criteria (PDF Document)
- NHTF Design and Construction Standards (PDF)
American Rescue Plan – Homelessness Assistance and Support Services Program (HOME-ARP)
This program is designed to provide Homelessness Assistance and Supportive Services to qualifying populations, one of which is survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking. Eligible activities will include acquisition and rehab or new construction of non-congregate shelters, rental assistance, supportive services, and capacity building.
Recipients and sub-recipients selected to receive HOME-ARP funds for eligible projects will be required, if applicable, to certify, provide documentation and assure that it will comply with the following regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements with respect to the acceptance and use of federal funds.
All PJ’s and State Entitlements that are recipients of HOME-ARP, must as part of the Allocation Plan have Consultations with the Continuum of Care, provide data collection and conduct a needs assessment and gap analysis, have public participation from all interested parties, provide conclusions and select eligible activities based on all data and input. The Allocation Plan is than drafted and submitted for public comment. After considerations of all oral and written comments, the Allocation Plan is made Final and submitted to HUD for Approval. A Substantial Amendment to the Action Plan will also be submitted to HUD.