Delaware State Housing Authority Introduces Housing Stability Program to Provide Temporary Emergency Assistance for Eviction Diversion and Security Deposits

Delaware State Housing Authority Introduces Housing Stability Program to Provide Temporary Emergency Assistance for Eviction Diversion and Security Deposits

Dover, Del. August 7, 2024 – The Delaware State Housing Authority  (DSHA) has awarded over $5,000,000 in Housing Stability Program (HSP) grants to eight community partner organizations throughout the state.

HSP’s mission is twofold: to prevent imminent evictions by offering emergency rental assistance to households facing court dates, and to secure new housing opportunities by covering security deposits and initial rent payments. This comprehensive approach aims to break the cycle of housing instability, offering a lifeline to individuals and families in crisis.

Each HSP partnering organization will be equipped with Community Navigators to provide outreach, case management, and other wraparound support services, including correspondence with legal aid, employment, and education resources.

Only through the collaboration with our community partners was this program created to address the needs Delaware renters face today. This program will make a difference.

HSP Operations Manager, Marva Hammond

The eight HSP partnering organizations are:

Catholic Charities
Interfaith Community Housing of Delaware*
Dual Generations
Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League
First State Community Action Agency*
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NeighborGood Partners
*Housing Opportunities of Northern Delaware
New Castle County Department of Housing
*Statewide Agencies

The New Housing Stability Program will provide much-needed financial support for those families facing eviction and future homelessness to enable them to stay in their home and get back on their feet.

Karen Speakman, Executive Director at NeighborGood Partners

I am thrilled that Delaware residents will have access to another groundbreaking Housing Stability Program through DSHA. Eviction diversion, security deposit assistance, and future months’ rental support are essential tools to prevent homelessness and promote healthy housing security. This program will provide millions in assistance to countless Delawareans at a time when it is most needed.

Cynthia Karnai, DSHA Director

To receive services from a HSP organization, the individual and/or family must meet the following requirements:

  • The individual should have delinquent rent, accompanied by a court-scheduled eviction hearing; AND
  • Individuals must not have received 18 months of previous DEHAP emergency rental assistance historically.  
  • Income at or below 80% of Area Median Income for the county of residence. Income must not exceed 80% of the income limits set by HUD based on each county’s Fair Market Rent.
New Castle County$64,250$73,400$82,600$91,750$99,100$106,450
Kent County$50,300$57,500$64,700$71,850$77,600$83,350
Sussex County$54,750$62,550$70,350$78,150$84,450$90,700
80% of Area Median Income by county and household size

To learn more about the HSP program, please visit Housing Stability Program at For questions, or inquiries, please email [email protected] or call 211.

The HSP grants are funded through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERA), which the U.S. Department of the Treasury distributed to Delaware in December 2020 and March 2021. The continuation of HSP is subject to the availability of funding. HSP is subject to funding availability from August 1, 2024, through or before September 30, 2025.

Media inquiries

Communications Manager Ashley Dawson

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